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Uautogate Automatic Gate Opener China Manufacturer

QN-600 Double Linear Arms Automatic Swing Gate Motor

The Double Linear Arms Automatic Swing Gate Motor is ideal for a wide range of applications, including residential properties, commercial establishments, and industrial facilities where a reliable and adaptable gate automation solution is essential.
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QN-600 Double Linear Arms Automatic Swing Gate Motor

Product Advantages

The Double Linear Arms Automatic Swing Gate Motor is ideal for a wide range of applications, including residential properties, commercial establishments, and industrial facilities where a reliable and adaptable gate automation solution is essential.

Product details 
1. New type speed shift gearbox, quiet and stable;
2. With soft start and soft stop, long service life;
Resistance bounce function of the motor when running;
4. Optional alarm light, infrared to improve safety performance, emergency power failure can provide manual operation;
5. four button or single
 button to operate on-stop-off, simple and fast;
6. Automatic door closing and single door opening can be set;
7.Optional electric lock.

Product Parameters

Main technical parameters



Rated Power Supply (V)

220VAC 50/60HZ

Motor voltageV


Input Power


temperature (°C)


Maximum door weight(kg)


Maximum door width(M)


Max. swing angle(°)


Maximum Travel(MM)


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